Top Ten Mistakes in Changing Careers
July 24, 2017LinkedIn Tip: How to Send InMail through Groups
August 14, 2017Why Should I Celebrate When Victory Seems so Far Away?
For many people in the midst of a job search or career transition, the concept of “rewards” seems foreign and counter-productive. “But I haven’t accomplished anything!” “Why should I reward myself for not getting a job?” Activities that seem like treats or celebration get shunted to the side or used like a carrot to motivate you forward.
Career design, however, is not a sprint. It’s not even a marathon. This work is journey of many paths. To get the energy to keep going, you need to do things that bring you joy. Regularly. And without guilt.
I spent time in the nineties in Northern Kenya, close to Ethiopia, during a multi-year drought. It wasn’t quite like walking into a Save the Children commercial with children dying in the streets, but it was as close as I had ever come. One old woman showed me that she only had a goat hoof to eat. When I first got there, I was distraught. Hunger, poverty, and flies. But every day, I remember seeing women sitting along a wall, singing and laughing together. One of my friends took me to a dance in the middle of the night, navigating us there by starlight. And that’s when I understood. People weren’t singing and dancing in spite of the drought. The dancing was what enabled them to keep moving forward.
What gives you energy? What brings you joy? How can you bring more of that into your job search?
If you’re figuring out what career path you want to travel, I’ll help you explore your options. If you need help with resume writing or interviewing, I’ll work with you on those skills. Become the designer of your own career with Be the Change Career Consulting. Contact me today for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.