Four Steps to Transition to a Global Development Career
September 14, 2020
Gaming Can Make a Better World
September 14, 2020Confronting Gender-Based Violence: Empowerment through Economic Opportunity
Discussion focused on how women’s economic empowerment helps reduce gender-based violence and how women can be supported to gain greater input into governance and public policymaking in order to have more say in the policies and laws that affect their lives. Panelists drew on their experiences working to improve the lives of women around the globe, including country-specific expertise gained in the South Pacific, South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa.
Nyaradzo Mashayamombe, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow, National Endowment for Democracy
Susan May, North America Coordinator, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, U. S. Department of State
Jumaina Siddiqui, Program Officer for South Asia, United States Institute of Peace
John Morrell,Regional Director for Asia, Center for International Private Enterprise