Gaming Can Make a Better World
September 14, 2020Finding The Right Career Fit
September 15, 2020Online Self Assessments
The online self-assessments below can give you insight into your personality and preferences. As people are complex, changing, and difficult to measure, take on the role of investigator when taking these tests. They give you clues about yourself. Some of the results will confirm what you already know about yourself, some things may be completely wrong. Use the results to create a mosaic of yourself to better understand what kind of work and work environments will fit you best.
- Career Values: Value-Sort Activity (free with links to other assessments for a small cost)
- Traits
- Jung Type Test (a free version of MBTI, a commonly used workplace assessment)
- Big Five Personality Traits (a free version of a more scientific approach to personality)
- Interests: O*NET Interest Profiler
- Strengths: Motivated Skills Inventory