Be the Change Careers

The World Needs More Implementers and Managers

There are many ways to make the world a better place. We all have our own combination of strengths, instincts, and talents that has a place in this process. Much of the attention gets focused on the big ideas and the innovative solutions, but Tina Rosenberg at the New York Times says that the world has all the solutions it needs. Somewhere. What it doesn’t have is a way to get those ideas out of someone’s head or hard drive and into the world.


And inventors are not always the best people for this job. They need implementers, disseminators, and managers of the implementation. Could that be you? Read Tina’s article here and then tell us your ideas about how you can contribute to making the world a better place.


Think about a time when you decided to implement a new project. This may be something at work or something personal, but choose something where you had control over how you could start and complete the entire project. For each of the action modes, how did you use them in creating your project (on a scale of 1 to 10)?



If you’re figuring out what career path you want to travel, I’ll help you explore your options. If you need help with resume writing or interviewing, I’ll work with you on those skills. Become the designer of your own career with Be the Change Career Consulting. Contact me today for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

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