A sought after speaker, supporting organizations and individuals across the globe.
A Unique Voice Above the Noise
Would your organization, educational institution, women’s group, or industry conference benefit from an inspirational speaker focused on career design? Ronda’s unique perspective connects individual career satisfaction to organizational impact and growth. In addition to job search workshops and training, she also motivates people to embrace their strengths to effectively contribute to the organizations mission and to make the most of their opportunities. As the creator of My Career Design Studio™, she has helped hundreds of individuals and organizations better understand how to create fulfilling lives through career design.
Real Strategies for Real Results
What can Ronda bring to your organization?
- Inspiration to employees
- Strategies to increase employee engagement
- Tools to increase productivity
- Team-building for a diverse workforce
- Sustainable growth based on employee empowerment
Contact us today to learn how Ronda can support your team.
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Design Studio
a Meeting
There really is no other way to say it, you have been priceless! Saying thank you would somehow be and feel banal. But thank you. Never mind if I could have done it, you helped me actually go do.